Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Music Blog


         For my music marketing campaign, my main genre was alternative rock with the target audience being primarily males ages 16-25. We decided to name our band LIVINGLOUD, as it has an "indie" feel to the name. Regarding the actual marketing strategies, we incorporated latest technology of Snapchat and Instagram filters in order to reach younger audiences but to spread the LIVINGLOUD logo of a lightning bolt. Even though our genre tends to rely on more lowkey and unique style, we felt as if the lightning bolt filter would appeal to new audiences but we would still maintain the same indie brand. The alternative rock genre relies on personal relationships with the artist or band to market, and this can be done through personal blog posts by the artist or band members or regular updates and replies on Twitter and Instagram. Consequently, the fans will feel a connection to the artist, creating a strong relationship and long-term bond which can be spread through word of mouth and will appeal to other people within the target audience.

        We chose to develop our brand through mainly the music video, which incorporated The Breakfast Club inspired shots and plot to emphasize the nostalgia feel of the band and to incorporate rebelliousness and teen angst.  Throughout the marketing campaign, I learned how important it is to create the artist or band as one of a kind or unique. The main question I always asked myself was "What makes our band special?" There are millions of artists out there that people will have access to, so why would they choose your band over another? Creating a brand and individual iconic look for the band is what we knew was going to be successful and the most effective. Our target audience wants a band with personality and individuality, or a look that will keep them interested and to create a relationship with that band which I believe LIVINGLOUD definitely has potential to be that for them.

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CCR Bye blog </3 Will miss you :( xoxo Irene Triantafyllopoulou

Hi!!! This is me!! Welcome to my blog <33